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+52 612 201 9173


Whether you’re into kiting, windsurfing, foiling, winging, or downwind supping, La Ventana bay is your giant windy playground.
It’s safe for beginners and offers great terrain for intermediate/expert riders.

Todo Bien has a great launch. In addition to kite lessons, windsurfing & foiling lessons are also available.
To arrange lessons, send us an email in advance of your stay, and we’ll help you get set up.
We strongly recommend you arrange lessons as early as possible and at least two weeks before your trip.

While on the water, it’s not uncommon to see dolphins, flying fish, sea turtles, sea lions, jumping rays and, if you’re really lucky, a whale!

The windy season is from November through April, with the strongest and most consistent winds between November 15 and March 15.
Foilers can get good days any time of year.

In winter months, water temperature is 21o – 25o Celsius, 70o – 74o Fahrenheit

A 4/3 or 3/2 wetsuit is typically recommended.
From March to November, a thin shorty or swimsuit is enough.
Experienced riders typically don’t wear booties, but beginners may want them.
