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Always check with us just in case!
+52 612 201 9173


With unrivaled views of the Sea of Cortez, Isla Cerralvo and the Sierra Cacachilas, our spacious and cozy guestrooms each have a great view. Rooms include Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, a desk for your laptop and quality comfy linens. Bathrooms are equipped with soft towels, hair dryers and eco-friendly bath products. All rooms have private terraces of varying sizes. Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner at our on-site bar & restaurant.

Other Resort Rentals

In addition to our beautiful hotel rooms, Todo Bien has other rental properties associated with the resort. These privately-owned homes and apartments offer guests additional space and privacy, with the convenience and amenities of our boutique hotel. Home rentals have a six-night minimum unless the hotel is already full.

Pets are not allowed in the private homes.

For more information email us at


  • Only steps away from the hotel restaurant/bar/pool & beach access
  • 6-night minimum rental
  • Two king rooms upstairs with living/kitchen/dining. One double queen room on lower level
  • Option to rent upper floor separate from lower level
  • Stunning views of the Sea of Cortez & Isla Cerralvo
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Expansive outdoor terraces
  • Private hot tub/cold tub


  • Four bedroom, Four full bathrooms
  • Only steps away from the hotel restaurant/bar/pool & beach access
  • 6-night minimum rental
  • Two king rooms upstairs with living/kitchen/dining.  One king room and one double queen on lower level with a shared kitchenette
  • Option to rent one or both levels of the home or an individual room
  • Stunning views of the Sea of Cortez & Isla Cerralvo
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Expansive outdoor terraces
  • Roof-top sofas and fire-pit